Monday, December 6, 2010

Lets talk about GERD

I've decided to start writing in the blog again (ok, again is the wrong word. I'm going to write a blog).

Let's talk about GERD.

If you have a baby and you are not familiar with this lovely acronym, consider yourself lucky.

If you have a baby and you are familiar with this lovely acronym, I am so sorry.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Infants or Children

It is common for infants to spit up after a meal, but frequent vomitingmay be caused by GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), the upward movement of stomach content, including acid, into the esophagus and sometimes into or out of the mouth. Older children also can have GERD.

Most of the time, reflux in babies is due to a poorly coordinated gastrointestinal tract. Many infants with the condition are otherwise healthy; however, some infants can have problems affecting their nerves, brain, or muscles. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse, a child's immature digestive system is usually to blame. They add that most infants grow out of GERD by the time they are 1 year old.

Katie has GERD. But she doesn't have the kind that involves projectile vomiting or lots of spitting up. Katie, my little ninja baby, has ninja GERD (not the technical name, although it should be). Ninja Gerd is the kind that means excessive acid in the stomach making it really uncomfortable to digest her food.

So she squirms a lot. And arches her back a lot. And hates tummy time, a lot. And would rather be held in a standing up position than any other.

The worst part, I had no idea there was anything wrong with her.

I've spent a lot of time with kids, toddlers and babies but not really any time with infants. So I was unaware her behavior was off. Thankfully my mom came in town the week before Thanksgiving to watch Katie while I headed off to my first week back to work. She made me call the doctor. I thought they would laugh and tell me not to worry, they didn't.

So the GERD adventure began. We started with Zantac at the low dose, 1 ml. And it worked! Saturday she was like a new baby! It was wonderful! But after a few days she wasn't as wonderful. So we got permission to up the dose to 1.5 ml. Again, like a new baby! Wonderful! Happy!

Last week was her first week at daycare and I was noticed when we nursed Tuesday night she was squirming and pushing off again. So I mentioned it to daycare Wednesday morning. They had noticed it also on Tuesday. Off to the doctor, again.

Friday we got a new perscription. Picked it up on Sunday (long story but DH had the stomach flu this weekend so I didn't leave the house Saturday, at all). Now we're on Prevacid.

I'll keep you posted.

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