Tuesday, August 30, 2011

5 weeks!


How far along: 5 weeks

How big is baby:

your baby's the size of an appleseed!
Your embryo is now measurable -- though it's a wee .13 inches -- and she's gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week, she'll almost double in size. Grow baby grow!

Total weight gain: So far 0lbs. But I'm sure that won't last for long!

Sleep: Pregnancy isn't the problem. Katie is. She is still pooping in the middle of the night (between 2 and 4 am) and it's waking her up. So that's when I get up. And DH wonders why I fall asleep most nights on the couch before 9!

Best moment of the week: Getting my beta numbers. 68 on Aug. 24 and over 280 on Aug. 26.

Food cravings: Nothing unusual.

Food aversions: I had some issues this weekend making Sausage Stars. I had to have DH mix the mayo and ranch in because the smell was getting to me.

Symptoms: Passing nausea that can usually be handled with a snack, or hard candy (Jolly Ranchers).

Movement: Not even close!

Gender: Currently I have no idea. A girl would be better because we wouldn't have to buy much in terms of clothing but DH and I would love to have a boy.

What I'm looking forward to: Coffee with caffeine. I miss caffeine. I might have to get a small Starbucks later this week.

What I miss: See previous.

Next appointment: September 26th. I'll get an u/s just to make sure everything is ok in there. I'll be 9 weeks exactly so DH and I should get to see some good stuff in there!

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